Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Continental Drift!

Paragraph 1- Plate Tectonics are the landmasses in the Earth's crust, 220 million years ago the earth was Pangaea, which was the seven continents together one. Over the year earth's rock masses started to split. In 1912 Alfred Wegner thought of the theory that the continents were slowly drifting around the earth. However people did not believe him and thought that he was crazy. In 1950s humans found out the he was the smart guy because researchers found evidence that supported his theory.

Paragraph 2- In seven continents the scientists found same type of fossils of animals. Such as in North America and Eurasia they found Plateosaurus and Phytosaur. In South America and Africa Rhynchosaur lived 220 million years before. Also desert found there too, which is forms a sedimentary rock when it gets compact together.

Paragraph 3- The shapes of the seven continental crust fits to each other closely. South America and Africa fits like a puzzle, also at the lower core has the same type of animals and desert. The upper core of Africa has Phytasour and the the center of North America has a same animal fossils and they fitted together.

Paragraph 4- On seven continents the temperature of the latitude and longitude were goes same on each line, for example equator is a tropical hot place that cuts earth into half. The countries that were near to equator line have a hot temperature. Such as middle of Africa, North and South America. The upper core of North America and Eurasia has a cold climate.

Paragraph 5- In my opinion Alfred Weger's theory is true because the 7 continents fits together almost like a puzzle and scientists had found the fossils of the same dinosaur from different continents.

6. What did you enjoy the most about this project and why?
I enjoyed working with the laptops were faster.
7. What was most challenging for you during this project and why?
Learning about different types of topics made me confused a lot to finish the work.
8. What new skills did you learn from doing this project?
I learned to create and present on different things such as videos, animated cartoons and glogster.
9. Is there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? Explain.
Yeah, first to maintain my time and do the work on time so that you don't get on rush.
10. What would you change about this projects?
I would stick on one specific topic that we need to learn.

Earth's Interior!

Types of Volcanoes!

Tornado Naural Disastor!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Rock Types

Rock Cycle

Rock cycle is the process of transforming one to another. Sedimentary rock forms by cementation and compaction. Metamorphic rock made when magma cool yet, it gets heat and pressure. Metamorphic rock melts and turns to magma. When magma solidifies it forms an igneous rock. Weathering breaks down the rock into smaller rocks. Erosion moves the sediments to another places. Compaction packs up the rocks and cementation squeeze it together finally forms a sedimentary rock. The rock cycle happens like that overtime.


Metamorphic rock: When the magma cool yet, it gets heat and preassure.

Magma: Is a melted rock inside of the earth. 

Lava: Is outside (pouring) of the volcano.



Solidification: Cooling, the rock becomes hard.



Igneous Rock: When the magma solidifies down and gets hard.


Weathering: Changes of climate, and it breaks down the rock.




Erosion: Carries away the rock.                                                                                                  

Sediment: Rock  metals carried by water, ice or wind.


Compaction: The movement of packing or being packed.

Cementation: Is when the sediment turns to hard rocks surrounds cements.


Sedimentary Rock: It forms from sediments that gets glue together.

Rock Types

Igneous Rock

Intrusive: Big crystals

Extrusive: Small crystals

Sedimentary Rock

Clastic: Sand/stones

Crystalline: Shiny, sparkles

Bioclastic: Coal (black)

Metamorphic Rock


Foliated: Lines

Nonfoliated: No lines

Crystals & Minerals

Mineral Properties

Metallic Luster; Its looks like a metal.
Nonmetallic Luster; Its not looks like a metal.


Color: Its how the mineral looks like.


Streak: Is the powder of a mineral.


Hardness: How hard is the mineral.

Cleavage: It breaks evenly.

Fracture: It breaks unevenly.

Composition: What is inside the mineral.

Other Properties: Describe the mineral what else they have or look like; shape, magnetic, and greasy.

Mineral Identification

Mineral ID: Magnetite
Luster: Metallic
Color: Black and gray
Streak: Black
Hardness: 5.5-6.5
Fracture: Magnetite breaks unevenly
Composition: Iron

Mineral ID: Halite
Luster: Nonmetallic
Color: White
Streak: Colorless
Hardness: 2.5
Cleavage: Halite breaks evenly
Composition: Salt